Email Scalability - How to scale and send millions of emails per day

July 12, 2023
Email Scalability - How to scale and send millions of emails per day

In today's digital age, email has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. Whether it's connecting with friends and family or engaging with customers and clients, the power of email communication cannot be underestimated. However, as businesses and organizations grow, so does the need to reach a larger audience. Scaling email delivery to send millions of emails per day is a challenge that many companies face. This is why email scalability is important. 

Imagine the scenario: You have an important message to convey, be it a promotional campaign, an informational newsletter, or critical updates. You want to ensure that every single recipient on your mailing list receives your message promptly and reliably. But as your subscriber base grows, so do the complexities associated with sending emails at such a massive scale.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of email scalability and uncover strategies to scale and send millions of emails per day effectively. We'll delve into the technical and logistical challenges involved and provide actionable insights on optimizing infrastructure, improving email deliverability, and implementing efficient email delivery systems.

Understanding email scalability

When we talk about email scalability, we refer to the ability to efficiently handle and manage the process of sending a large volume of emails to a growing number of recipients. Scalability encompasses the technical infrastructure, resources, and strategies required to handle the increasing demands of email delivery.

In essence, email scalability focuses on ensuring that your email system can adapt and handle the expanding workload without compromising the quality of delivery or overwhelming your resources. It involves addressing the challenges that arise as the volume of emails increases, such as bandwidth limitations, processing bottlenecks, and legal considerations.

Challenges in scaling email delivery - how to send billions of emails without worrying 

1. Bandwidth and infrastructure limitations

As the number of emails sent per day grows, bandwidth and infrastructure limitations can hinder smooth email delivery. The sheer volume of data to be transmitted requires robust network resources to ensure timely and uninterrupted delivery. Inadequate bandwidth or outdated infrastructure can result in delays, slow delivery, or even complete service disruptions. So, reliable email infrastructure is of the utmost importance. 

2. Processing and delivery bottlenecks

Processing and delivering millions of emails per day and a trillion emails per month pose significant challenges. Email servers must efficiently handle incoming and outgoing traffic, including tasks such as spam filtering, content scanning, and recipient validation. Inefficient or overloaded systems can lead to delays in processing, increased bounce rates, and potential damage to senders reputation.

3. Compliance and legal considerations

Sending emails at scale requires compliance with various legal regulations and email industry standards. Violating these regulations can result in severe consequences, including legal penalties and damage to the sender’s reputation. Addressing compliance challenges, such as permission-based marketing, anti-spam laws, and privacy regulations, is crucial to maintaining a trustworthy and reputable email delivery system.

Successfully scaling email delivery involves understanding and addressing these challenges head-on. The next section will explore strategies to overcome these hurdles and ensure efficient email scalability. By optimizing infrastructure, improving reputation and deliverability, and implementing efficient systems, you can pave the way for sending thousands of emails at once effectively.

Send with confidence: Strategies for scaling email delivery

Scaling email delivery to handle many emails requires implementing effective strategies to overcome the challenges mentioned earlier. By optimizing infrastructure, improving email deliverability, and implementing efficient email delivery systems, you can achieve a scalable and successful email marketing campaign. Here are key strategies to consider:

1. Optimizing infrastructure

Implementing Cloud-Based Solutions: Cloud computing offers scalable and flexible resources that can accommodate the increasing demands of email delivery. By leveraging cloud-based email infrastructure, you can easily scale your email system based on the email volume to be sent.

Utilizing Load Balancing and Distributed Systems: Load balancing distributes the email workload across multiple servers, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and reducing processing bottlenecks. Implementing a distributed system architecture allows for high availability and fault tolerance, enabling seamless email delivery.

Investing in Scalable Storage and Processing Resources: As the volume of emails grows, your infrastructure's storage and processing capacity must scale accordingly. Investing in scalable storage solutions and powerful processing resources will ensure smooth email handling and quick delivery.

2. Improving email deliverability and sending reputation

Maintaining a Clean and Updated Email List: Regularly clean and update your list of subscribers to remove invalid and inactive email addresses or people who haven’t engaged with your emails. This practice helps maintain a healthy sender reputation, reduces bounce rates, and improves overall deliverability.

Implementing Authentication Protocols (SPF, DKIM, DMARC): Implement Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) protocols to authenticate your emails. Email authentication enhances deliverability and helps prevent spoofing and phishing attempts.

Monitoring Sender Reputation and Managing Bounce Rates: Continuously monitor your sender reputation using reputation monitoring services. Actively manage and reduce bounce rates by identifying and resolving delivery issues promptly. Low bounce rates contribute to improved deliverability and a positive sender reputation.

3. Implementing efficient email delivery systems 

Leveraging Email Service Providers (ESPs): Email service providers offer robust infrastructure and specialized tools to handle large-scale email delivery. Working with a reputable ESP can provide the necessary resources and expertise to send millions of marketing emails reliably.

Utilizing SMTP Relays and Transactional Email APIs: SMTP relays and transactional email APIs streamline the email delivery process by offloading the task to specialized services. These services ensure efficient and reliable email transmission, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business.

Employing Email Delivery Monitoring and Optimization Tools: Utilize email delivery monitoring tools to track delivery metrics, identify potential issues, and optimize email campaigns. These tools provide valuable insights into open rates, click-through rates, and other performance indicators, enabling continuous improvement.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the scalability of your email delivery infrastructure, improve deliverability, and efficiently increase the number of emails you can send. In the next section, we will explore best practices for crafting engaging email content, improving customer engagement, managing email lists, reducing the number of emails marked as spam, and monitoring email deliverability to maximize the impact of your email campaigns.

Best practices for scaling and sending millions of emails

To ensure the success of your email campaigns at scale, it's essential to follow best practices that optimize email content, manage email lists, and monitor email deliverability. By implementing these practices, you can maximize engagement, maintain a healthy subscriber base, send more promotional emails, ensure better inbox placement, and enhance overall campaign performance. Here are key best practices to consider:

Email content and design

1. Crafting personalized and engaging content for email campaign

Segment your email list based on relevant criteria and tailor your content to meet each segment's specific needs and preferences. Personalization and relevant and dynamic content increase engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

2. Optimizing email templates for different devices

With a diverse range of devices used to access emails, ensure that your email templates are responsive and render well on desktops, smartphones, and tablets. Test your templates across multiple devices and email clients to ensure consistent and visually appealing rendering.

3. Conducting A/B testing for improved performance

 Experiment with different subject lines, email layouts, call-to-action buttons, and content variations through A/B testing. This iterative approach allows you to identify the most effective elements and optimize your email campaigns for better engagement and conversion rates.

4. Email List Management

Ensuring Permission-Based Opt-ins and Opt-outs 

Obtain explicit permission from recipients before adding them to your email list. Implement a double opt-in process to confirm subscribers' intent to receive emails. Make it easy for recipients to unsubscribe or manage their preferences, respecting their choices and avoiding potential spam complaints.

Regularly Pruning Inactive or Unengaged Subscribers

 Identify subscribers who have shown no engagement over a specified period and consider removing them from your email list. A large number of subscribers doesn't mean much if they are not active.  Focusing on an active and engaged subscriber base improves deliverability rates and campaign performance.

Segmenting Email Lists for Targeted Campaigns 

 Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, purchase history, or engagement levels. By sending targeted, personalized emails to specific segments, you can increase relevance and improve the chances of conversion.

Deliverability Monitoring and Analysis

Tracking email delivery metrics

Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and spam complaints. Analyze these metrics regularly to identify trends, evaluate campaign effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

Analyzing bounce rates and identifying delivery issues

High bounce rates can negatively impact deliverability. Monitor bounce rates and identify the reasons for bounces, such as invalid email addresses or technical issues. Take appropriate actions, such as promptly removing invalid addresses and resolving technical problems.

Implementing feedback loops and sender reputation monitoring

Set up feedback loops with ISPs to receive feedback on user complaints and unsubscribe requests. Monitor your sender’s reputation using reputation monitoring services to address any issues affecting deliverability proactively.

By adhering to these best practices, you can optimize your email campaigns for scalability and effectively send bulk emails. Continuously monitor and analyze campaign performance, adapt to changing trends, and stay up-to-date with industry developments to ensure ongoing success.

In the world of modern communication, scaling and sending millions of emails per day is a crucial endeavor for businesses and organizations aiming to reach a vast audience. The challenges of email scalability are significant but can be overcome with the right strategies and best practices.

Email sender reputation is crucial for successful message delivery. Understand the factors that influence reputation, use measurement techniques like spam filters and feedback loops, and follow tips such as authentication and valuable content creation to enhance deliverability and protect your brand's credibility. Neglecting your reputation can lead to consequences like email delivery issues and damaged trust. Stay proactive, prioritize reputation management, and optimize your email campaigns for success. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of email sender reputation.

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SUSO Digital
Industry - Marketing & SEO
Project length - 2 years
Key result - Market growth, funnel saturation
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Project length - ongoing
Key result - New market penetration
Industry - Fintech
Project length - Ongoing
Key result - Safely scaled email outbound, moved off of Google, improved processes 

Founded by chef David Chang, Momofuku is a renowned culinary brand with a nation-wide presence, including restaurants and an online store with delicious goods. They ran into an issue with their email sending – high bounce rates and blocked sending.

With hundreds of thousands of people on their email lists eager to stay informed, and an impeccable reputation to uphold, Momofuku wanted to nip this problem in the bud quickly.

  • Momofuku reached out to Senders to run a diagnostic test on their sending infrastructure and find the root cause
  • Senders deliverability experts discovered an issue with their DMARC, which was preventing emails from being sent, as their WordPress wasn't aligned with their SPF
  • Senders provided the most effective solution helping Momofuku restore safe sending, and suggested next steps to ensure everything keeps running smoothly on their end
  • The client reported that Senders helped identify the problem and got them back on track 

Up for coffee with a health kick, sans the jitters? Try Everyday Dose – a brand on a mission to provide coffee lovers with a healthy alternative packed with all kinds of goodies. The Founder, Jack Savage, learned through personal experience that we needed an option that doesn’t lead to a slew of possible side-effects. That’s how this mushroom-based blend with nootropics and collagen protein came to be, helping boost focus, energy, and reduce stress in one go.

The Everyday Dose team prides itself on excellent customer support, in addition to their delicious set of products. So when they spotted DNS propagation issues setting up their customer experience platform, they reached out to Senders to find the best way to sort it out.

  • Senders deliverability experts confirmed the problem the team at Everyday Dose initially diagnosed
  • To enable healthy DNS propagation, the Senders team helped clean their DNS registrar of old DNS records that were causing issues with propagation
  • The client reported they were now able to set up their DNS correctly, enabling them to run their platform smoothly stands out as a trailblazer in empowering women entrepreneurs through technology and a supportive community. offers a cutting-edge range of AI-powered SaaS marketing and sales tools that cater specifically to female entrepreneurs and women-led businesses. enables users to automate marketing and sales, while helping them scale their authentic selves while saving time and boosting conversions. Their Myrina’s Army community fosters a supportive platform that champions female entrepreneurs and their values, empowering them to conquer barriers and achieve their business goals. The company's dedication to providing not only top-notch technological solutions but also a platform for networking and mentorship underscores their commitment to fostering success among women in the entrepreneurial space.

Naturally, they wanted to make sure their email sending infrastructure was set up correctly to protect their reputation and successfully reach their recipients. Our deliverability team worked with the client’s team on:

  • Aligning the client’s three domains with Amazon to make sure they are compatible and optimized in order to integrate with Amazon’s system.
  • Setting up a proper DMARC policy to protect their domains against unauthorized use and phishing scams.
  • Enhancing email deliverability as well as security, so that each email sent from these domains can be properly authenticated and more likely to land in the right inbox.
  • As a result, the client can protect the reputation of their business and domains, while safely sending out their email campaigns. 

Sometimes the sheer number of options of any product can be daunting – how on earth do you pick the right one? This is especially true with supplements, as we can find them just about anywhere, but we can rarely understand a third of the ingredients listed. Unlike most, Physician’s Choice provides supplements with pure, potent ingredients that work. No fillers or “proprietary” blends with unidentified ingredients. They do the research, so you don’t have to.

Integrity and transparency are part of their core values, so when their team ran into sending issues, they were referred to Senders.

  • The client’s team spotted issues with DMARC failures in Google Postmaster
  • The Senders deliverability team worked with the client to update the DMARC configuration to enable report collection
  • The client is now able to obtain detailed reports to diagnose the exact causes of the failures and prevent them in the future with proper DMARC setup
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